REMI Network: COVID-19 preparedness tips for landlords

March 27, 2020

COVID-19 preparedness tips for landlords

Best practices for preventing a building-wide outbreak


All businesses are impacted by the COVID-19 virus, but rental-housing providers play a unique and critical role in the battle to mitigate the spread of this highly communicable disease.

As several Canadian provinces declare a state of emergency and the federal government imposes new and extreme measures to contain the virus, apartment building owners are facing unknown futures with tenants and frontlines staff not only at risk, but potentially headed for quarantine as the virus continues to spread.

In the face of this unprecedented health crisis, how are rental property managers coping? What are the current best practices for keeping people safe? According to multiple industry sources, much of it comes down to preparedness, communication and engaging in hyper-vigilant cleaning practices.

“At Greenwin, we care deeply about our employees, our communities and our residents, and take the COVID-19 situation very seriously,” said Kris Boyce, CEO of Greenwin. “Right now, our focus is on ensuring they have the information, resources and support they need to stay healthy and safe. At this point we are fortunate in that there has not yet been a confirmed case of COVID-19 in any of our buildings, but in the event that this happens we are confident in our level of preparedness.” Continue reading the article on REMI Network HERE.

